• Please refrain from creating player supports for server whitelist, server whitelist is not available at this moment; the server whitelist will be announced soon when availabe to purchase.

Staff Applications

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Management Whitelisted
Feb, 2025

Whitelist Applications
— Testers are tasked with reviewing whitelist applications; the first step to joining the community. Testers accept or deny applicants based on the quality of the individual application, and if deemed insufficient, the tester gives the applicants feedback on how to improve.

Beta Testing — Testers will be called upon to test an upcoming server revision, which includes new features, changes and bug fixes. Testers thoroughly test the ins and outs of these features and provide feedback to the developers. This is done to prevent as many bugs and issues prior to the server revision hitting the game server.

In-Game Assistance — Testers are given access to the report system (/report) in-game, in order to answer questions and help players. Testers currently on tester duty are ready to handle these help requests. Testers also handle other minor requests, such as small requests also answer questions on the (/ooc) global chat.

Bug Reports — Testers are responsible for testing and confirming bug reports made on the forum. Testers forward any confirmed bug reports to development for the issues to be handled as soon as possible.

Player Support — Testers must respond to the player support section, trying their best to assist our community for those who are in need of help.


— You need to be able to write and understand English to a high standard.

Teamwork — The Tester Team is a large group of people all working together to achieve the same goals. You need to be able to work as part of a small or larger team and work well with others. Teamwork is required to achieve common goals.

Attitude — Testers are representing the server. They must be friendly and respectful to others, and set the right impression on behalf of the staff team. Being friendly and approachable is a must for staff members.

Discord — This is the main communications program we use for staff team contact and quick transfer of information. Testers are required to connect to Discord and actively use it. It benefits your chances to ensure that you are available on Discord and used to the program prior to application.

Experience — Staff members require experience and knowledge. You should have at least one day of playing time on the server before applying to become a staff member so you know the ins and outs of commands as well as the server's affairs.

Community Record — Any tester candidate with recent poor community record (admin record, forum record, et al.) will not be allowed to join. This is judged on a case by case basis depending on severity, e.g. getting kicked for being AFK is different from being banned for metagaming.

Click here to apply for staff!

Application Status: Under Review
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