• Please refrain from creating player supports for server whitelist, server whitelist is not available at this moment; the server whitelist will be announced soon when availabe to purchase.

Search results

  1. The Towns Roleplay

    A Simple Guide to Serious Roleplay

    Guide to a /me. A /me is used for performing actions for your character that can not be shown through actions or animations. A /me can also be used to show your expression, moods, and what your character is wearing. A /me will always be shown around your characters vicinity, and should always...
  2. The Towns Roleplay

    Staff Applications

    TESTER DUTIES Whitelist Applications — Testers are tasked with reviewing whitelist applications; the first step to joining the community. Testers accept or deny applicants based on the quality of the individual application, and if deemed insufficient, the tester gives the applicants feedback on...
  3. The Towns Roleplay

    Server Guidelines

    The Towns Roleplay Common Rules: Your character needs to have a somewhat realistic name, and must not break TOS. Players must follow Twitch.tv Terms of Service (TOS) at all times. Click HERE to view them. Being toxic, or breeding toxicity in any platform (this includes twitch, reddit, discord...



